Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Predator-Prey Simulation: Population Growth


   The relationship between predators and preys in a biome serves as natural selection and help to maintain a balanced ecosystem. In this stimulation, the number of paper pieces represents the population of the specie, and the paper with different colors and different sizes represent variation in organism. The organism developed different phenotypes as its adaptation to the environment. When natural selection happens, the best adaptation will be able to remain alive and reproduce.
   According to my data, within the first five generations, large populations of white, dark green and light green rabbits survived and were able to reproduce. Since the number of preys drastically increased, the population of wolf increased rapidly too because all wolves were able to get enough food and reproduce. However, the sudden growth in wolf population caused sharp decrease and even extinction in rabbit population. As a result, extinction occured to wolves too. 
   In the following generations, natural selections are obvious. I used white paper as the environment, which represent an environment with snow. The dark green rabbits went into extinction because its color can't serve as a camouflage in a mainly white environment, and it's easier for them to be targeted by wolves. Also, bigger wolves were able to get more food, so when food is scarce and there is a starvation, wolves that survived were mainly big wolves. Therefore, big wolves and rabbits of lighter colors were able to survive because of their better adaptations and reproduce. 

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